Saturday, December 31, 2011

Al Hoti Caves, Jebel Shams & Grand Canyon

Al Hoti Caves, 2.7km tunnel which leads to an enormous subterranean chamber and large underground lake some 800m in length which is home to a rare species of blind fish. Following a recent RO 2.2m refurbishment of the caves, there are now reception facilities, tunnelling and the introduction of a train together with a sound and lighting system.
The inside of the cave features several classical formations including stalactites, stalagmites and solid columns, which take thousands of years to form. The colourisation is also magnificent, with hues of gold, beige, yellow and pink.

Jebel Shams – ‘Sun Mountain’

Jebel Shams is the highest pick in Oman at over 3,000m. Jabel Shams, the mountain of the sun, is home to weavers of heavy woollen rugs in distinctive red, black and brown geometric designs. Along the steep and windy road leading to the top of the mountain, you will discover small villages hiding within the mountains rocks and then reach the incredible Grand Canyon, where you can enjoy a walk in the cool atmosphere of the mountain.